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Update on Nutritional Cardiomyopathy

As many of you are aware, we continue to investigate the link between receipt of unique/boutique diets and the development of dilated cardiomyopathy...

Vet BLUE Lung Ultrasound: An Important (and Underutilized) Tool in Small Animal Medicine

“Sasha” is a 12-year-old F/S DSH who was referred for a 2 week history of inappetance and weight loss. On physical examination, she was thin with an...

Evaluating the Liver with Ultrasound: Diffuse Hepatopathies

In this blog, we will discuss using ultrasound of the liver to evaluate for diffuse hepatic parenchymal changes. The goals of using ultrasound...

Global FAST Exams Can Improve Patient Care for Your Small Animal Practice

As a veterinary internist who has been performing diagnostic abdominal ultrasounds and echocardiograms for the last 18 years, I was reluctant to...

Case Study: Ultrasound Findings in Peritonitis

A 8 year old F/S Cocker Spaniel presented for a 5 day history of vomiting, diarrhea and inappetance. She had been seen 2 days earlier and treated...

Assessment of Small Intestine Using Ultrasound

Ultrasound can be very useful for assessing the small intestine. Ultrasound examination can provide information regarding bowel thickness, layering...

Pericardial Effusion in Dogs

Pericardial effusion is a fairly common disease in dogs. In general, dogs with pericardial effusion present with weakness, collapse, or respiratory...

Lung Ultrasound (Fungal Pneumonia) Case Study

“Misty” is a 4 year old F/S English Setter who presented to her veterinarian for inappetence and weight loss. She had lost 6 lbs in the course of 3...

Virtual Ultrasound

Training and support have never been more valuable.